Obesiti 意思 - Model是什么意思?_百度知道

意思 obesiti Model是什么意思?_百度知道

意思 obesiti Obesiti (Obesity)


意思 obesiti What Is

obesity index的近义词_obesity index的反义词_obesity index的同义词

意思 obesiti Kepentingan Riadah


意思 obesiti hyperplasmic obesity中文,

意思 obesiti Obesiti (Obesity)

意思 obesiti 翻译 'Obesiti'


意思 obesiti Kepentingan Riadah

obesity index的近义词_obesity index的反义词_obesity index的同义词

意思 obesiti Tak tahan

意思 obesiti Morbidity Definition

翻译 'pergerakan'

Obesiti (Obesity)

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

  • Medical physiology: A cellular and molecular approach.

  • In 1998, the first US Federal guidelines were published, titled "Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: The Evidence Report".


While the underlying biology of this process still remains uncertain, research is beginning to clarify the mechanisms.

  • Genetik juga boleh memainkan peranan dalam bagaimana kecekapan tubuh anda menukarkan makanan menjadi tenaga dan bagaimana tubuh anda membakar kalori semasa latihan.

  • The American legal system, however, has decided that the potential public health costs exceed the benefits of extending this anti-discrimination law to cover obesity.

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