Og vs team spirit - The International 10

Team og spirit vs OG vs

The International 10

Team og spirit vs OG vs.

Team og spirit vs OG vs

Team og spirit vs OG vs

Team og spirit vs OG vs

Team og spirit vs Dota 2

Esports ID

Team og spirit vs DPC Points


Team og spirit vs Dota 2

Team og spirit vs OG vs

Team og spirit vs DPC Points

Team Spirit

A video from Spirit showed that the team was forced to settle in the kitchen to at least get some space.

  • All times are subject to change based on the length of matches and delays.

  • Finally, the team added Dota legend as coach.


He literally kicked ceb off the picking phase and picked those dog shit heroes before he could get back on chair.

  • This play was as cheesy as dendi io+pudge fountain play.

  • Collapse played the game so smartly and he played Dota 2 his own way.

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