Loy krathong - Loi Krathong 2022

Krathong loy Traditional Activities

what’s the difference between Loy Krathong and Yi Peng, two of Thailand’s most magical festivals?

Krathong loy What is

WHERE to celebrate Loy Krathong

Krathong loy Loy Krathong

Krathong loy Loy Krathong

Krathong loy Celebrating Loy

Celebrating Loy Krathong festival in Thailand

Krathong loy WHERE to

Krathong loy what’s the

Krathong loy Loy Krathong

Krathong loy Where to

Krathong loy Celebrating Loy

Loy Krathong 2022

Loi Krathong 2022

A beautiful sound and light show is the highlight here.

  • While the main release of Krathongs occurs on the official Loy Krathong day, celebrations are known to continue for several days.

  • Due to their fragility, it takes more than one person to light the flame launch one, lest you set the whole lantern on fire.

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