Chrysanthemum garden - Chrysanthemum Care

Garden chrysanthemum How to

Chrysanthemum carinatum (Painted Daisy)

Garden chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum carinatum (Painted Daisy)

Garden chrysanthemum Growing Edible

Garden chrysanthemum Managing Pests

Garden chrysanthemum Varieties Of

Varieties Of Mums: Learn About Different Types Of Chrysanthemums

Garden chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum carinatum


Garden chrysanthemum How to

Garden chrysanthemum How to

Fall Garden Mums (Chrysanthemums)

Garden chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum x

Garden chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum

Fall Garden Mums (Chrysanthemums)

How to plant chrysanthemum?

Colors include red, pink, orange, yellow, purple, and white.

  • Control by spraying or dusting with labeled products.

  • If you have a September-blooming variety, stop pruning at the end of June; for October-blooming mums, stop near the end of July.

Chrysanthemums: Plant Care & Growing Guide

These are widely available, straightforward to grow, and flower abundantly outdoors in late summer and autumn.

  • Fertilize monthly by sprinkling a balanced fertilizer 10-10-10 around the plant.

  • That is fine if all you want is a seasonal decoration, but not good if you are hoping for a hardy.