Al qaeda - What is Al

Qaeda al Former Alabama

Former Alabama student gets 7 years for hiding terrorism funds to al Qaeda

Qaeda al Comparing Al

Qaeda al Al

Qaeda al Future of

Future of Al Qaeda, ISIS & Jihadism

Qaeda al Al Qaeda:


Qaeda al Al Qaeda

Qaeda al Al Qaeda:

Al Qaeda: Facts About the Terrorist Network and Its History of Attacks

Qaeda al Al Qaeda’s

Qaeda al Why did

Why did Al Qaeda attack the United States?

Qaeda al Taliban keep


In 2004, the Pakistan Army launched an aggressive in Wana, Pakistan.

  • Zawahiri himself is an important target, as he is the last major figure of the original generation of Al Qaeda with a global profile, and he will not be easily replaced.

  • The Islamic State’s focus remains expansion in the Muslim world, and for now its affiliates are likely to focus there.

Al Qaeda

Although the Saudi Arabian troops were well equipped to combat the Iraqi forces, they were outnumbered by far by the massive enemy forces.

  • Sulaiman Abu Ghaith Base of operations: Unknown About: Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is a senior spokesman for al Qaeda.

  • Ansar al-Sunna also maintains strong links with Al Qaeda and its leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who joined Ansar al-Sunna after fleeing Afghanistan in 2001.