Investor boardroom - Startup Board Compensation

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Exxon loses board seats to activist hedge fund in landmark climate vote

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Boardroom investor Exxon loses


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Boardroom investor Investor Board


Exxon loses board seats to activist hedge fund in landmark climate vote

Why do you need or want an independent board member? Additional grants for early Board members might happen as you bring new Board members on, or the term comes to maturity.

  • How much should you pay a startup Board Member? These websites are not managed by BoardRoom and we cannot be responsible for their privacy practices.

  • To protect the privacy and integrity of our records, BoardRoom may require you prove your identity before we can disclose, correct or update personal information.

Startup Board Compensation

So almost all compensation will be in the form of options.

  • There are three types of Board Members.

  • You may be able to get a Board member for a small percentage of equity, you may not get the Board member you want.