Surah al fill - Perjalanan Mengenal Allah: Pengajaran Dari Surah Al

Fill surah al 105 Surah

Fill surah al Surat Alfil,

Keutamaan surat Al Fiil

Fill surah al Surat Alfil,

Surah Al Fil

Fill surah al Surat Al

Fill surah al Surah Fil:


Fill surah al Teks Latin

Perjalanan Mengenal Allah: Pengajaran Dari Surah Al

Fill surah al SURAT AL

Surah Al Fil Complete in Arabic With Translation in English and Urdu

Fill surah al Surat Al

Fill surah al Perjalanan Mengenal

Fill surah al Teks Latin

Asbabun Nuzul: Surah al Fiil

Ini sekaligus sebagai nikmat yang dicurahkan Allah kepada warga tanah Haram, meskipun waktu itu mereka masih menyembah berhala, untuk memelihara rumah suci-Nya.

  • He called his people, and whoever would respond to his call among the Arabs, to go to war against Abrahah and fight in defense of the Sacred House.

  • Muqatil bin Sulayman mentioned that a group of young men from the Quraysh entered the church and started a fire in it on an extremely windy day.

Teks Latin Surat Al Fiil

Despite the idols in the Kaabah at the time, Abraha coming to destroy them for his own economic gain was undoubtedly an act of transgression.

  • He prepared the elephant named Mahmud.

  • Then Allah sent against them the birds from the sea, like swallows and herons.