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Adiyat al Surah Al

سوره تفسیر Al

Adiyat al Surat Al

Adiyat al Surah Al

Al Adiyat

Adiyat al Surah 100

Surat Al

Adiyat al 100 Surat


Adiyat al Surat Al

Adiyat al Surat Al

Adiyat al Surah Al

Adiyat al Al Adiyat:

Surah Al Adiyat Summary

Adiyat al Surat Al

Surah 100 Al

Surat al

About the merits of , it has been mentioned that whoever recites the Sura al-Adiyat and makes a habit of reciting it, will resurrect him to accompany on the Day of Judgement and he will be among the companions and friends of Imam Ali a.

  • Pada saat perang Badar kaum muslimin berjumlah 313 orang, sedangkan kaum kafir Quraisy berjumlah 1000 orang.

  • Jika dipikir dengan logika pastinya kaum kafir Quraisy lah yang menang, tetapi jika Allah menghendaki sesuatu maka itu pasti terjadi.

Surah Al Adiyat

However, both views are correct.

  • In the instruction of , it is mentioned to recite Sura al-Adiyat in the second after the recitation of Sura al-Fatiha.

  • Hanya ada dua ekor kuda yang dibawa yakni milik Az Zubair dan Al Miqdad.