Selangkah app register - Selangkah: Selangor's contact tracing app is now an eWallet

App register selangkah SELangkah for

App register selangkah How to

App register selangkah SELangkah Launches

How to register your company for the Sinovac vaccine in the SELangkah app

App register selangkah Selangor Govt

App register selangkah Selangkah: Selangor's

App register selangkah Now You

App register selangkah Daftar Selangkah,

App register selangkah Your Personal

App register selangkah Here's How

App register selangkah Your Personal

SELangkah Launches Brand New Features

Featured Image Credit: Vulcan Post.

  • Currently, the line seems to be full and our calls have not been able to pass, but it is worth trying again and again if you have any urgent questions to clarify about this program.

  • As of November 26, there were 616,980 cases tracked by the Selangkah system, which identified 38,809 individuals who were isolating themselves at home while experiencing deteriorating health issues.

How to register your company for the Sinovac vaccine in the SELangkah app

In any case, it is recommended that you get the vaccine that was available before, as long as you are entitled to that vaccine.

  • We're also quite concerned that there was no mention of syncing data with MySejahtera when we went read through the whole registration process.

  • For the Selangkah team, it was critically important to gain the trust of the user, as well as to provide convenience when using the app.