Asian koel - Asian_Koel

Koel asian State bird

Koel asian A female

Koel asian Food of

Koel asian Eastern Koel

Host v. Parasite: How the Crow and the Koel Contend to Protect Their Eggs

Koel asian Asian Koel

Koel asian Asian Koel

Asian Koel ID & Photos

Koel asian Asian Koel

Koel asian Cuckoo calling

Koel asian Asian Koel

Asian Koel (Birds of Singapore) · iNaturalist

Koel asian A female

Asian koel

Asian Koel (Birds of Singapore) · iNaturalist

Heard these birdies everywhere, with their unmistakable, shrill, sharp and ear-popping calls, which came across beautifully in the video above.

  • They prefers staying in a dense thick forest with thick trees and bamboos, light woodland and cultivation areas.

  • Large seeded fruits are sometimes quickly regurgitated near the parent tree while small seeded fruits are ingested and are likely to be deposited at greater distances from the parent tree.

State bird of Pondicherry (Asian koel) complete detail

Females produces rhythmic 'wook-wook' call and short, high-pitched whistles.

  • We can divide the Shanghai-area brood-parasitic cuckoos into two categories: the mainly grey, slender-bodied Cuculus cuckoos and the non- Cuculus cuckoos.

  • Often shows browner head, white moustachial stripe and supercilium, and dark ear patch and submoustachial stripe.