Potato shortage - Potato shortage in Idaho? It's all about the seeds, expert says

Shortage potato 'Potato shortage'

Shortage potato Potato Shortage

Shortage potato A growing

Shortage potato 'Potato shortage'

Shortage potato A growing

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Shortage potato A growing

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Potato shortage in Idaho? It's all about the seeds, expert says

Normally, Maheris sees more than 70,000 pounds of potatoes from the island.

  • In early 2022, home builders are facing massive delays thanks to backed up supply chains and shipping delays.

  • The company is simultaneously dealing with global supply chain disruption affecting global supply.

A growing global potato shortage is affecting french fries from Japan to Kenya

Geoff Freeman, President and CEO of Consumer Brands Association, said the unavailability rate of US groceries is now around 15 percent — approximately five to 10 percent higher than normal.

  • Mills , "That speaks to the size and enormity of the problem.

  • Narrator: Farmers are also mashing up potatoes into a compost-like mixture to feed cattle next year.

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