Natto beans - Why Natto Is Super Healthy and Nutritious

Beans natto How to

Whole Dried Natto Beans, 70g Japan's Best to You

Beans natto Three Great

Natto (Japanese Fermented Soybeans) With Rice Recipe

Beans natto What is

Beans natto Why Natto

Beans natto What Is

Organic Large Bean Natto

Beans natto What Is

Beans natto Hikiwari Natto

Three Great Ways to Make Natto

Beans natto Hikiwari Natto

Beans natto What Is

Beans natto What Is

Black Bean Natto

Why Natto Is Super Healthy and Nutritious

The longer you rest it, the stronger the taste you will have.

  • May potentially support bone health As previously mentioned, the vitamin K2 found within natto may help direct calcium to the skeletal system ,.

  • Use a spoon or chopsticks to thoroughly mix the natto.

How to Make Natto (with Pictures)

Some supermarkets will offer a range of brands and types from different locations.

  • The amount of salt used also makes difference between douchi and nattō on their taste and appearance.

  • The beans are washed and soaked in water for 12 to 20 hours to increase their size.