Fly in the ointment meaning - Idiom Origins

The ointment in meaning fly A FLY

What does the idiom fly in the ointment mean?

The ointment in meaning fly Dead Flies

Flies In The Ointment Sermon by Terry Hagedorn, Ecclesiastes 10:1

The ointment in meaning fly Fly in

The ointment in meaning fly What does

The ointment in meaning fly The Grammarphobia

The ointment in meaning fly A/the fly

The ointment in meaning fly The saying

The ointment in meaning fly Fly in

The ointment in meaning fly Ecclesiastes 10:1

The ointment in meaning fly The saying

What Does Fly In The Mean?

We need to repent and replenish our supply of oil… we need a fresh anointing.

  • The latter rendering seems preferable, if we regard the use of similar compound phrases, e.

  • This is discussed by Alexander Kuklin in his brief book, How Do Witches Fly? Poisonous Plants in Britain and their effects on Animals and Man, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Reference Book 161 replacing Bulletin 161 pub.