Sinovac for breastfeeding - AstraZeneca, Sinovac approved for pregnant, breastfeeding mums

Breastfeeding sinovac for JKJAV: AstraZeneca

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Breastfeeding sinovac for AstraZeneca, Sinovac

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Breastfeeding sinovac for JKJAV: AstraZeneca

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Breastfeeding sinovac for Pregnancy, breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding sinovac for JKJAV: AstraZeneca


Information about Sinovac vaccine: Definition Sinovac vaccine is a coronavirus, Covid-19, vaccine that was developed by a laboratory in Beijing, China and is marketed under the name CoronaVac.

  • Trials that enrolled pregnant people reported no harmful pregnancy outcomes.

  • Is it okay to take your baby with you to get the vaccine? They also help reduce risk for moderate illness.