Japan - JapanDict: Japanese Dictionary

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Japan 71 Interesting

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Japan 71 Interesting

Culture of Japan

Japan History of

71 Interesting Facts About Japan

The system of extraterritoriality, however, was considered degrading, and the government tried to transform social life and culture in ways that would command the respect of the Western powers.

  • Bureaucrats from the Fujiwara clan inserted themselves into various positions of power, controlling policy and infiltrating the royal line by marrying their daughters to emperors.

  • In most regions, this involved inheritance and succession by the oldest son.

Japan facts

And as you'll quickly discover, Japanese cuisine has great regional variations.

  • However, the new emperor faced some in the form of disgruntled samurai and peasants who were unhappy with new agrarian policies.

  • A small series of plains are situated along the coastal areas.

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