Gawai dayak festival - Malaysia

Festival gawai dayak History

Gawai Day or Gawai Dayak

Festival gawai dayak Hari Gawai:

Gawai Dayak, Discover Borneo’s Harvest Festival of Thanksgiving

Festival gawai dayak Gawai Dayak

Festival gawai dayak Gawai Day

Festival gawai dayak Gawai Dayak

Hari Gawai

Festival gawai dayak Festival Gawai


Festival gawai dayak Festival Gawai

Festival gawai dayak Gawai Dayak,

Festival gawai dayak History

Hari Gawai Dayak / Harvest Festival

Festival gawai dayak History

Introducing Gawai Dayak: the Harvest Festival in Sarawak

Gawai Dayak is celebrate as a symbol of remembrance of the roots of origin of each tribe on the island, which was paddy cultivation.

  • As the big day approaches, everyone will be busy with general cleaning and preparing food and cakes.

  • Men performing the Ngajat dance Source: Tourist Guide Malaysia Male dancers tend to incorporate sharp prancing movements akin to fighting stances, while wielding an ornate long wooden shield and a sword.

Hari Gawai 2022

Once the offering ceremony is done, dinner is then served at the ruai.

  • It does not only preserve the important heritage of the Dayaks, but it also celebrates unity, aspiration and hope for the community.

  • Women Ngajat dance revolves around hip and graceful arm movements The intensity of the dance is heightened by the thumping accompaniment of the bebendai gongs , dedumba traditional drums , and punctuations of war cries.