Pkp 3.0 johor - PKP 3.0: KKM Cadang Pelaksanaan PKP Di 6 Negeri

3.0 johor pkp Bantuan Johor

CIMS 3.0: Borang CIMS 3.0 Untuk PPN PKP & PKPD

3.0 johor pkp PKP 3.0:

3.0 johor pkp DPMM Johor

PKP 3.0 bakal dilaksanakan, Ini titah Sultan Johor pada kerajaan sekarang

3.0 johor pkp Bantuan Johor

PKP 3.0: RM210,500 kompaun dikeluarkan

3.0 johor pkp MORATORIUM PKP

3.0 johor pkp PKP 3.0

PKP, PKPB, PKPP dan PKPD: SOP Perkara yang boleh dan tidak boleh

3.0 johor pkp SOP PKP

3.0 johor pkp Bantuan One

3.0 johor pkp MBJB: Detailed

3.0 johor pkp PKP 3.0:

Kluang In Johor Under MCO 3.0 Restrictions Too!

Under the lockdown's rules, movement from 10pm to 5am was not allowed except in emergencies, and children under the age of 12 were not allowed to go to crowded places like shopping malls.

  • This is to rush the people of Sabah into being completely vaccinated within a month.

  • On 23 June, the Ministry of Education announced changes to school term holidays in order to help schools better plan lessons that had been disrupted by the pandemic and Movement Control Order.

SOP PKP 3.0 Terkini: Senarai Penuh SOP Berkuatkuasa 25 Mei

Assessments and examinations for various national higher education programmes were cancelled as some institutes were converted into temporary surveillance and quarantine centres, and students' performance evaluations were replaced by continuous assessment scores.

  • The new master plan for exiting the lockdown will be announced in July 2021.

  • On 24 September 2021, Johor moved to Phase 2, allowing gatherings of up to 5 for fully vaccinated.