Postural drainage - How Postural Drainage Can Help Clear Fluid In The Lungs

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

Drainage postural POSTURAL DRAINAGE

Drainage postural Postural Drainage:

How Postural Drainage Can Help Clear Fluid In The Lungs

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

COPD Breathing Exercises for Clearing Airways

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

Drainage postural Postural Drainage:

Postural Drainage Positions & Technique Simplified

Drainage postural Postural Drainage:

Postural Drainage, Clapping and Vibration

Drainage postural Postural Drainage

Postural Drainage: Uses, Benefits, and Risks

Step 4: Perform clapping if needed.

  • The purpose of both activities is to dislodge plugs of mucus, allowing air to penetrate behind them and thus aid in their removal.

  • Chest vibration and percussion are often performed at the same time to assist movement of retained secretions in the lung.

Postural Drainage: Uses, Benefits, and Risks

Your care team will help you figure out a routine that will work best for you or your child Lungs anatomy Learning more about the respiratory system and its relationship to other organs in the body can help you to understand why postural drainage and percussion treatments are effective.

  • It may have taken a few shakes or hits of the bottle neck in order to get the ketchup to move down the glass.

  • Position yourself as in the photo, but rest on your right side.