Kebun bangsar - 雪隆区TOP 4「休闲农场」推荐!被青葱绿意与小动物围绕的小确幸,亲子出游好去处!

Bangsar kebun Kebun Kebun

Malaysian urban dwellers 'reclaim' city land, one garden at a time

Bangsar kebun 雪隆区TOP 4「休闲农场」推荐!被青葱绿意与小动物围绕的小确幸,亲子出游好去处!

Bangsar kebun Classes for


Bangsar kebun Kebun Kebun

Bangsar kebun Placemaker Week


Bangsar kebun Malaysian Blogger

Bangsar kebun This Community


Bangsar kebun Malaysian urban

Bangsar kebun Placemaker Week

Case Study Series: Kebun

We often think of farms to be a world away from kl.

  • Then from time to time the number of people involvement have been increasing.

  • It started five years ago with the land application.

Kebun Kebun Bangsar (Veggie Farm), Lorong Bukit Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Phone +60 16

With working just to make ends meet, inconducive environment,exposed to pollution and higher cost of living are what they are facing in their lives.

  • I would love to touch about education because although we live in an advance future, some of us still left behind because of inequality in education.

  • The Abdullah Hukum station is the nearest one to Kebun-Kebun Bangsar in Kuala Lumpur.