Seiko hashimoto - Seiko Hashimoto

Hashimoto seiko Seiko Hashimoto

Seiko Hashimoto takes over as Tokyo Olympic president

Hashimoto seiko Seiko Hashimoto

Hashimoto seiko Seiko Hashimoto

Seiko Hashimoto named new Tokyo Olympics president following Yoshiro Mori's exit

Hashimoto seiko Hashimoto Seiko:

Hashimoto seiko Legendary Olympic

Hashimoto seiko Japanese Olympian

Seiko Hashimoto replaces Yoshiro Mori as Tokyo Olympic committee president

Hashimoto seiko Legendary Olympic

Hashimoto seiko Seiko Hashimoto

Hashimoto seiko Hashimoto Seiko:

Hashimoto seiko Seiko Hashimoto,

HASHIMOTO Seiko (The Cabinet)

Tokyo Olympic committee selects Seiko Hashimoto as its new president

Mori, before stepping down, tried to offer the job last week to 84-year-old Saburo Kawabuchi, a former head of the country's soccer federation.

  • Naming a woman could be a breakthrough for gender equality in Japan, where females are under-represented in boardrooms and in politics.

  • Health issues would plague her early life, though.