Hikaru kep1er - Ezaki Hikaru (Kep1er): Profile, Age, Height, Weight, Facts

Kep1er hikaru 220425 Kep1er

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Here’s why Hikaru is the only Kep1er member who knows TWICE’s viral hit ‘The Feels’

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Kep1er hikaru Kep1er Hikaru


Kep1er hikaru Kep1er (케플러)

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Kep1er's Hikaru Already Has Plans For Her Idol Career After The Group's Contract Ends

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#HikaruDeservesBetter: Kep1ans Demand Equal Treatment For Kep1er Hikaru

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Kep1er hikaru Hikaru

Kep1er's Hikaru Already Has Plans For Her Idol Career After The Group's Contract Ends

Kep1er Kpop Members, Biodata, Age, Wiki, Biography, Nationality, Profile, & More

Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

  • Every 4 hunts completed also increases Kindred's basic attack range.

  • If you can harass her ally, it will weaken her ability to fight you.

Ezaki Hikaru (Kep1er): Profile, Age, Height, Weight, Facts

Use this time to get out of the way or to form a plan to deal with him.

  • Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy ability and doubles his passive Attack Speed if successful.

  • His next attack deals bonus damage and warps reality, teleporting him to his target.

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