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Qassam brigades al Al Qassam

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Qassam brigades al Al Qassam

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Al Qassam Brigades

The organization operates several elite units, including the a-Nuhaba unit, with about 5,000 operatives.

  • The terrorist group posted a call for bitcoin donation on its social media and then moved its request to its official website.

  • September 8, 2014 Fear and loathing mar Fatah-Hamas ties in Gaza August 9, 2014 Hamas everywhere but nowhere in Gaza war.

Backgrounder: Al

Al Qassam website - After sadness and tears, joy was reborn at the house of the martyr, the prominent leader of Al-Qassam Brigades, Jamal Al-Zebda, and his son, the martyr Osama, who were assassinated by the Israeli occupation warplanes during the Battle of Seif Al-Quds, on May 11, 2021.

  • They pretend as charities when in fact they openly and explicitly solicit funds for violent terrorist attacks.

  • However, they probably contributed a large number of troops to the Executive Force formed by the Hamas in 2006, which was instrumental in routing the substantial forces of the.