Ehdf sabah - eHealth Sarawak: Borang Pengisytiharan Kesihatan (eHDF)

Sabah ehdf Reopening Advisory

eHealth Sarawak: Borang Pengisytiharan Kesihatan (eHDF)

Sabah ehdf No Quarantine

Sabah ehdf EnterSarawak, e

Sabah ehdf Sabah abolishes

Sabah ehdf The fully

Sabah ehdf EnterSarawak, e

Sabah ehdf Malaysia Health

Sabah ehdf Fully vaccinated

eHealth Sarawak: Borang Pengisytiharan Kesihatan (eHDF)

Sabah ehdf Guidelines for

Sabah ehdf Sabah Imposes

Pengembara dari negara kena sekatan boleh masuk Sabah bersyarat

However, they must have a valid immigration pass or passport to enter the state.

  • You can enjoy snorkeling or diving at own time.

  • Note: Boat out time are 11.

Sabah abolishes health declaration

Transfer by speedboat to Mataking Island.

  • International travellers to Sabah must complete quarantine.

  • United Airlines and Delta Air Lines both.