光明 日報 - Guangming Daily

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For safety reasons, regional newspapers and specialist magazines all took cues from the big four, and largely reprinted articles from them.

  • In October 1976, Vice Premier played a significant role in taking over the Guangming Daily, helping Mao's successor oust the Gang of Four and put an end to the Cultural Revolution.

  • Before the death of , the paper fell under the control of the radical left-lean led by Mao's widow.


Under Yang's editorship, Guangming was the first Chinese newspaper to stop publishing on the front page every day.

  • Headquarters of Guangming Daily The Guangming Daily, also known as the Enlightenment Daily, is a national daily newspaper published in the.

  • During the 1966—1976 , Guangming Daily was one of the only three national newspapers that remained in circulation, together with the and the , and the sole magazine.

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