Royal belum resort - Belum

Resort royal belum Royal Belum

Belum Rainforest Resort Case Study

Resort royal belum Rooms

Royal belum state park visit

Resort royal belum ROYAL BELUM

Resort royal belum Location

Resort royal belum Rooms

Resort royal belum Belum

Resort royal belum Location

Resort royal belum Pakej Hutan

Resort royal belum Location


Resort royal belum Rooms


We had an interesting excursion in the rainforest, which was a little bit shortened due to the virus, but still very interesting and relaxed.

  • So we do not want to miss the chance for our first rafflesia session meeting.

  • Mendaki selama 45 minit untuk ke kemuncak sememangnya tidak terasa kerana kehijauan Hutan Hujan Tropika ini menghidangkan pelbagai spisis pokok-pokok balak yang berusia ratusan tahun.


For example has a drop-off point at and also at.

  • The houseboat setting - dining area, with kitchen only staff , karaoke, and movie area Second level, all the rooms - consists of 4 bedrooms - master bedroom Queen size bed with toilet, and 2 bedrooms - 5 pax per room, however the middle room might be a bit warm as only has 1 window, the last room would be 2 pax with double decker.

  • Belum-Temenggor is divided into two sections.