Hotspot identification for dynamic engagement - Daily List by Hotspot Identification for Dynamic Engagement (HIDE)

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic HIDE is

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic Daily List

HIDE is Malaysia's AI

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic TracAPM Digital

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic Skrine

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic Skrine

HIDE is Malaysia's AI

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic TracAPM Digital

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic Govt lists

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic KRAS is

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic MCO 3.0:

Engagement for hotspot identification dynamic Khairy: HIDE

MCO 3.0: 2

Data are means ± s.

  • The final concentration of protein and ligand were 100 and 200 µM, respectively.

  • Posing a ring constraint to the branched isopropyl group that is the cyclopropyl carboxamide presented in 12 improved the potency compared with 11, but still demonstrated only moderate to weak potency in most cases.


Additional information, resources and reagents will be made available upon reasonable request; requests should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact M.

  • A walk within the malls these days is often extremely pleasant because the visitors numbers are low and there is plenty of space within the malls.

  • Spectra recorded at pH 7.