Mole rat - Big

Rat mole Naked mole

Rat mole Counting mole

Rat mole Naked Mole

How To Get Rid of Moles

Rat mole Why do

Rat mole Differences between

African Mole Rats: So Much More Than Just the Naked Mole Rat

Rat mole 19 Naked

Rat mole Mole Rat

Rat mole Naked mole

Rat mole Differences between

Rat mole The Long,

Naked Mole Rats Speak in Dialects Unique to Their Colonies

Naked Mole Rat

Subterranean rodents are not especially familiar animals to the majority of we humans, but their diversity, widespread distribution and geological longevity show that they represent a hugely successful evolutionary event.

  • The life of a naked mole rat Most naked mole rats are 4 to 6 inches long, and weigh 1 to 3 ounces.

  • Four huge incisors above and below protrude beyond the oral cavity, and they are also the main tool of the digger.

Naked Mole

The hair between their toes serves an added purpose: It helps the mole-rat sweep soil as it burrows underground.

  • Well, this is thought to refresh the scent of the colony on the body of the Naked Mole-Rat, which can help identify friends from foes.

  • The females called queens are larger and can weigh as much as 1.