Twitter malay boleh - Umno’s survival hinges on non

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Umno’s survival hinges on non

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Boleh twitter malay Umno’s survival

Umno’s survival hinges on non

Umno’s survival hinges on non

He said the reality was that Umno could not rely on its allies alone to secure the support of non-Malays.

  • That is the true Malay outlook on ties with other races.

  • We are firm but open; polite and gentle but not to be mistreated.