Past continuous tense - What is Past Continuous Tense, examples, Uses, rules,Types?

Continuous tense past Past Continuous:

Continuous tense past Past Continuous

Continuous tense past The Past

Past Continuous Lesson Plan for ESL Learners

Continuous tense past Past Continuous

Past Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers

Continuous tense past 21 Contoh

Continuous tense past Past Continuous

Continuous tense past The Past

Past Continuous

Continuous tense past Past Continuous


Continuous tense past 21 Contoh

Past continuous tense Passive voice: Active to passive voice

Continuous tense past Past Continuous

What Is Past Continuous Tense?

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Also, was can be used for second-person subjects like he, she, it.

  • The past continuous tense interrogative sentence structure Note: we can use question words what, where, when, why, how before the auxiliary verb.

  • B I was going to the store when I saw him.