Larry fong - LARRY FONG

Fong larry Lawrence Fong

Larry Fong

Fong larry Larry Fong

Army of the Dead: Every Easter Egg For Other Zack Snyder Movies

Fong larry Lawrence Fong

Larry Fong : DC_Cinematic

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Fong larry Lawrence Fong

Larry Fong (Y), 66

Fong larry Larry Fong

Lawrence Fong

Fong larry 10 Army

Batman V Superman DP Says Deleted Superman Scene Was Shot

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Larry Fong (Y), 66

Fong larry 10 Army

Fong larry A Look

Larry Fong PhD

The simpler the view behind you, the better.

  • During this time I realized that my skills were not so much in directing but in photography.

  • So, since the director didn't know if anyone would ever actually get to see the mythical Snyder Cut, the writer-director decided to pay homage to their passion by hiding the Snyder Cut reels in Army of the Dead's nigh-impregnable vault.

Larry Fong PhD

Interestingly, when the actual safe is cracked later in the film, there's only money to be found.

  • Abrams' hit TV series Lost, Fong unique approach to cinematography revealed itself when he began his collaboration with Zack Snyder on 300.

  • Regardless if it was fully shot or not, the important thing is that it was originally intended to be in the movie until it was ultimately cut, mainly because " it sort of represented this dark side," as Snyder explained in 2016.