Tokyo ever after - Wednesday, January 6, 2021: YA Maximum Shelf: Tokyo Ever After

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever

After tokyo ever If Tokyo


After tokyo ever Review: Tokyo

After tokyo ever TOKYO EVER

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever

After tokyo ever Tokyo Ever


After tokyo ever Wednesday, January

Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

The narrator was spot-on and the story itself very immersive.

  • These two things happen so early on in the story, by the way, that I don't think this qualifies as a spoiler.

  • It gave me such nostalgia for Japan and was the perfect read as Ontario locks down further and my chances of travelling in 2021 decrease.

Review: Tokyo Ever After, Emiko Jean

Vibrant descriptions of Japan and Izumi's reactions feel cheesy but truly realistic, capturing all of the fear, excitement, and admiration one could have when visiting a country with a different culture than their own.

  • As soon as I’m in, we’re off.

  • At any rate, this was a solid four stars and a story I very much enjoyed.