Geo boutique hotel - Geo Boutique Villa Terpsithea Kiparissia, Hotels & Motels

Hotel geo boutique *** Geo

Hotel geo boutique Geo &

Hotel geo boutique *** Geo

Hotel geo boutique Geo Boutique

Hotel geo boutique *** Geo

Hotel geo boutique Geo &

*** Geo & Art Boutique Hotel ***

Hotel geo boutique Stay at

Hotel geo boutique *** Geo

Hotel geo boutique *** Geo

Hotel geo boutique Stay at


Geo & Art Boutique Hotel in Himare, Albania

Housekeeping is available once per stay.

  • Photo by: IntoAlbania The Fortified City by the Ionian Though the picturesque village on the Ionian Coast is best known as a beach destination, it hides within it the old town of , a beautiful medieval fortress built on a hill.

  • Für den Erhalt fehlt die liebevolle Hand eines handwerkich geschickten Menschen, der kleine Reparaturen gleich durchführt gebrochener Duschkopf, abgerissener Umleimer.