Al isra 4 - Surah Al Isra Summary

4 al isra Bayian: Tafsir

4 al isra Surat Al

4 al isra Translation of

4 al isra The Glorious


4 al isra Surah Al

Surah Al Isra Summary

4 al isra Surah Al

4 al isra Surah Al

4 al isra MuslimSG

4 al isra Bayian: Tafsir

4 al isra Abdul Nasir


The scholars mention many opinions about the identity of the people whom Allah made dominant over the Children of Israel.

  • And Sufficient is your Lord as an All-Knower and All-Beholder of the sins of His slaves.

  • Except as a Mercy from your Lord.


And indeed We gave to Musa Moses nine clear signs.

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  • So now the prophets a lot he some speaks up, and he says good lucam asna Allah Ravi were in the mosque, Nina Larrabee.