Usd to rmb - US dollar to Chinese Yuan Renminbi (USD to CNY) exchange rate, chart

To rmb usd Real

To rmb usd RMB Yuan

To rmb usd USD to

USD/CNY Currency Exchange Rate & News

To rmb usd US Dollar


To rmb usd USD to

To rmb usd 1 USD

To rmb usd 1 USD

To rmb usd 1 United

To rmb usd Transfer USD

RMB Yuan to US Dollar currency converter

To rmb usd USD to

1 USD to CNY

Moving money across borders can be surprisingly complex.

  • Date Rate Min Rate Max Rate 2022-05-02 Rate: 6.

  • Points used will not be reversible and if amount of transfer fee is less than redeemed discount, no cash, credit or refund will be provided.


RTC is a Free Site to Provide Real-time Exchange Rates for Renminbi to Other Currencies.

  • This is a clear plan setting the stage for the PRC target of the CNY overtaking all currencies worldwide in the future.

  • The easiest way to check the USD to CNY exchange rate is to use our live currency exchange table or a reputable online currency converter.