Full metal alchemists - Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist (2017)

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist,

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist,

Metal alchemists full Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Edward and Alphonse carry the burden of abusing alchemy for selfish purposes.

  • The villains are an interesting parody of the seven deadly sins.

  • But then we slow it down the fights happen, positions accepted and they realize they need to persist and work under them and each character from Ed to Roy to others even Scar have their own journ This was a great one as they come face to face with their father look alike and fight him and then discover his secret and the fact that he is the big bad and was involved in the civil war and other terrible thigs and that his power levels are way above them, the opening is like a splash of awesomeness.

Fullmetal Alchemist Store


  • .

  • Due to his large popularity within the fanbase, Irie had to properly focus on the character of.

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