Covid assessment centre - Women's College Hospital

Centre covid assessment Fauci: US

Centre covid assessment Testing, Clinical

Centre covid assessment Hospital COVID

Centre covid assessment COVID

Women's College Hospital

Centre covid assessment Fauci: US


Centre covid assessment UHN Toronto

Centre covid assessment The Ottawa

Centre covid assessment Women's College

Hospital COVID

Centre covid assessment Covid


Centre covid assessment Michael Garron


Fact sheets in other languages are available.

  • If it is not possible for people to stay 2 metres apart, they should stay 1 metre apart and wear a face covering.

  • No access through North Entrance.

UHN Toronto Western COVID

If you do not meet the testing criteria, you will be turned away.

  • However, employers are st April 2022 , so most venues will still want you to have a risk assessment.

  • You can find using this chart.