Bio balance cream jrm - Pengedar JRM Siti

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Balance jrm bio cream Dermasoothe Soothing

Pengedar JRM Siti

St. Louis Hormone Replacement Therapy Specialist Dr. Kathy Maupin

I saw the difference in my skin when I started using it and also got some sunburns when I stopped using it for a while.

  • Follow the amount prescribed by your doctor strictly.

  • Re-apply it every two hours.

Product Review

Cons 1 — If not properly applied, it has the tendency of leaving a white cast on your skin especially during Harmattan but you need not worry if you apply it well.

  • Synthesis of estrogens occurs in the theca interna cells of the developing ova, and is accomplished through conversion of androstenedione from cholesterol.

  • It purifies the skin and discourages the production of excess sebum.