Mco 1.0 period - Calling for flexible Covid

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1.0 period mco MCO 1.0

1.0 period mco Calling for

1.0 period mco Chronology of

Call for a return to MCO 1.0’s full lockdown: here are the figures

1.0 period mco Full Lockdown

MCO Updates • MDBC

1.0 period mco Chronology of

Government Announces FMCO Full Lockdown Nationwide From 1 June Onwards

1.0 period mco Malaysian movement

Call for a return to MCO 1.0’s full lockdown: here are the figures

1.0 period mco YOURSAY

Arizona State University

1.0 period mco YOURSAY

1.0 period mco MCO Updates


Specifically for Muslims, the adjournment of all religious activities in mosques including would be in line with the decision made on 15 March 2020 by the Special Muzakarah Meeting of the National Council for Islamic Affairs.

  • Dec 2: Kampung Desa Bajau and Kampung Dasar Baru, Lahad Datu, Sabah involving 914 houses with a total of 4,934 residents.

  • While offices, restaurants, and shopping malls remain open, they are subject to stricter health and social distancing rules.