Got our wires crossed - we got our wires crossed in a stolen spaceship

Crossed wires got our to get

Crossed wires got our meaning in

Crossed wires got our Get wires

Crossed wires got our to get

Our wires are crossed please try again later : tmobile

Crossed wires got our Error

Microsoft and I got our wires crossed

Crossed wires got our our wires

Crossed wires got our Znaczenie GET

Crossed wires got our meaning and

We've got our wires crossed: The bizarre stories of people whose brains have rewired themselves

Crossed wires got our Get wires

Crossed wires got our 'crossed wires'

meaning in context

After a few minutes of crossed wires and confusion, it transpires Cerys has mistaken me for someone she knows.

  • You turned, and it was just your luck that the sparking electronics had managed to start a small fire right in the center of the interior control panel.

  • Here the cross appears to represent the four directions.

our wires crossed

Cook was directed to the proper office at which to apply for a license and made no further mistakes.

  • This work could have adult content.

  • It is very common practice for corrupt politicos to laugh at questions and dodge answering them.