Galaxy z fold 3 - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3: all you need to know

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Fold galaxy 3 z Galaxy Z

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: The best foldable phone just got better

Fold galaxy 3 z Galaxy Z

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Fold galaxy 3 z Galaxy Z

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: The best foldable phone just got better

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Fold galaxy 3 z Samsung Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: Folding a Note

You can move each app around and resize their windows.

  • Samsung has also partnered up with Google to better optimize the folding experience by working on Android together.

  • The first woman is taking a video call and making a presentation at the same time in Multitasking mode.

Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: A refined foldable in search of a purpose

Battery Capacity Typical : Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition.

  • The front-facing camera in the main display of the Galaxy Z Fold 2 white screen is housed in a hole-punch cut out.

  • Each woman folds her phone shut.