COM Belakangan ini istilah terkewer-kewer tengah ramai menjadi perbincangan dan kosakata baru bagi para netizen di beragam media sosial.
Soalan : Bincangkan Perbezaan Antara Adat Perpatih Dengan Adat Temenggung Yang Diamalkan Oleh Masyarakat Melayu Pada Ke 19.
Difahamkan keluarga sebenar keturunan sultan johor masih berada tetapi atas.
Dalam perjanjian ini beliau telah diakui dan diiktiraf oleh kerajaan Inggeris di India sebagai Sultan bagi kerajaan Johor — Singapura, bergelar.
Customs is the regular pattern of social behavior, accepted by a given society as binding upon itself and customs are proved through repeated acts practiced over long period of time, leading to conclusion that by common consent they have become accepted norm, or the law of the place, exclusion of ordinary law.
The court held that the share of one-third is awarded to the plaintiff because the evidence shows that she was helping the plaintiff's business indirectly as a partner in his business trips.