Smk yong peng - PROJECTS

Yong peng smk MCA volunteers


Yong peng smk SMK Yong

Yong peng smk SMK Yong

Yong peng smk rero

Yong peng smk SMK Dato

Yong peng smk MCA volunteers

Sekolah Kebangsaan Yong Peng

Yong peng smk SMK Yong

Yong peng smk rero

Yong peng smk MCA volunteers


Yong peng smk rero


SMK Yong Peng Leo Club

It simply speaks for itself! Yup, retirement will be good for me.

  • After her accident, the school warned students to be careful when riding motorbikes, and to always wear crash helmets.

  • They had intended for the function to be held earlier so that I could join in the celebrations.

SMK Yong Peng, Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia

Cerita berunsur kebencian, politik, boleh menyinggung perasaan individu atau kumpulan yang lain dan lain-lain perkara yang tidak sihat tidak dibenarkan di sini.

  • Too much of jiving, rock n roll, rhumba and samba wearing high heels must have taken a heavy toll on my knees.

  • And no matter what happens, smile!! How many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? I was really happy and touched by the effort put in by the administrators, teachers, students and staff in organising this really beautiful, meaningful and memorable farewell for me.