Casual contact in mysejahtera - Malaysia's updated protocols for casual contacts of COVID

In mysejahtera contact casual Casual Contact

In mysejahtera contact casual Panduan Tukar

In mysejahtera contact casual Panduan Tukar

In mysejahtera contact casual The MySejahtera

In mysejahtera contact casual Kena ‘Casual

In mysejahtera contact casual Malaysia's updated

MySejahtera Trace No Longer Shows “Yellow” Casual Contact Status

In mysejahtera contact casual Only “Low

Khairy: No more yellow Casual Contact status on MySejahtera starting today

In mysejahtera contact casual Kena ‘Casual

Got marked a casual contact? Here's what to do next if you're a Covid

In mysejahtera contact casual Khairy: No

Got marked a casual contact? Here's what to do next if you're a Covid

In mysejahtera contact casual MOH Official:

The MySejahtera app will no longer show the Casual Contact status starting from 1 March

Depending on the premises, some would want to check your MySejahtera app before you check-in while others require you to check-in first before showing the status.

  • Tidak semestinya kawan rapat yang kita kenal, mungkin juga orang lain yang tidak kita kenali positif semasa berada di premis berkenaan.

  • Or you may also contact the Crisis Preparedness and Response Center.

MySEJAHTERA KONTAK KASUAL (Cara Hilangkan Close Contact )

Jangan risau, di bawah ni akan dikongsikan cara untuk jadikan status kuning di MySejahtera kepada biru.

  • They do not need to quarantine at home and are not subject to any restrictions.

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