Agora school netherlands - Agora

School netherlands agora Agora

AGORA young feminist summer school

School netherlands agora AgoraSchool

About HundrED

School netherlands agora Agora Barcelona

School netherlands agora Logins

Agora School In Netherlands

School netherlands agora Agora Models

AGORA young feminist summer school

School netherlands agora How to

Agora Models

School netherlands agora Secondary Education

Rutger Bregman: ‘What if we give children the freedom to play and learn on their own?’

School netherlands agora Secondary Education

School netherlands agora Agora

Netherlands school that has no classes or curriculum

School netherlands agora Agora education

Agora education

And little wonder: these schools resemble prisons.

  • Sustainability is at the core of what we do as we harness the good in energy to elevate and enrich lives.

  • The coach directs, stimulates, inspires, helps analyse, advises and provides feedback.


There are no classes or classrooms, no homework or grades, no tests, no timetables.

  • The students take the steering wheel in their own hands.

  • They also define their challenges with a learning question and sub-questions.