Ghost ship jenny - The Mystery Of The Jenny And Kaz II

Jenny ghost ship The Mystery

Jenny ghost ship Jenny

Jenny (schooner)

Jenny ghost ship Jenny (schooner)

Ghost Ship: The Mysterious True Story of the Mary Celeste and Her Missing Crew by Brian Hicks

Jenny ghost ship Antarctica Ghost

Jenny ghost ship Antarctica Ghost

Jenny ghost ship Antarctica Ghost

Jenny ghost ship The Legendary

Jenny ghost ship Ghost Ship

Jenny ghost ship Ghost Ship

Jenny ghost ship The Legendary

Schooner Jenny

Later on, after a sleepy Marika entered the bridge and Kane had left for dinner, Jenny talked about the prediction for an enemy attack and counterattack plan that Marika had drawn up.

  • When Marika asked her how she was finding the ship she hired, Jenny replied it was great and said that perhaps she should give piracy a try after graduating.

  • But the 1872 discovery of the sailing vessel Mary Celeste continues to baffle all who examine the story.