Shila amzah chinese song - Shila Amzah poised to take Chinese market by storm with upcoming album

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Eh, who dis Malay singer that has millions of fans in…China??

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Chinese song amzah shila I Am

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

I Am A Singer semifinals: Shining favourites, MH370 conspiracies and angry Malaysians

Chinese song amzah shila My Journey

Shila Amzah poised to take Chinese market by storm with upcoming album

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

I Am A Singer semifinals: Shining favourites, MH370 conspiracies and angry Malaysians

Chinese song amzah shila Shila Amzah

Shila Amzah poised to take Chinese market by storm with upcoming album

Retrieved 26 December 2015.

  • Shila, 30 expresses fond memories of school life with her sentimental vocals in the single.

  • The songs in the album were her first to be nominated at the World Music Awards.

Shila Amzah Is Not Fluent In Mandarin But Sings Mandarin Songs Really Well

Retrieved 24 December 2015.

  • In May 2021, Shila Amzah collaborated with , , and other Malaysian singer for Eid single titled Salam Dari Jauh Greetings From Far since Muslims in Malaysia had to celebrate Eid Hari Raya at home and cannot cross the border to gathering with the family.

  • It was released ahead of her solemnization ceremony with her current husband, Haris Idraki Elias.