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Textual Content Doc Title, Abstract TTILE-ABS A combined field that searches abstracts and documents titles Textual Content Doc Title, Abstract, Keyword TITLE-ABS-KEY A combined field that searches abstracts, keywords, and document titles.

  • Entering ALL "heart attack" will return documents with "heart attack" in the article title, source title, language, author, editor, affiliation, abstract, keywords, references, DOI, ISBN, ISSN, CODEN, issue, volume, publication year, sequence bank, sequence bank number, article number, chemical name, CAS registry number, manufacturer, publisher, or conference fields.

  • Limit by Date Finally, you can also limit your search by date.

Author profiles

Published by Horizon Research Publishing and extends its scope to the areas of Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy, Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Social Sciences.

  • Entering ISSNP 00-946354 or entering ISSN 00946354 will return documents containing "00946354" as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within "00-946354".

  • Journal of Chemical Health Risks The JCHR as a peer-review professional academic journal is striving to provide the best forum for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest findings and results.