Modern pentathlon - Why Pentathletes Are 'The Perfect Athletes'

Pentathlon modern Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern Modern pentathlon

Pentathlon modern History of

History of Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern Modern pentathlon

Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern Modern Pentathlon:

History of Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern About Modern

About Modern Pentathlon from Cheyenne Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern Modern Pentathlon:

Modern Pentathlon: History, Rules, Equipment

Pentathlon modern Modern Pentathlon

Pentathlon modern 🤻 Modern

Pentathlon modern About the

About Modern Pentathlon from Cheyenne Modern Pentathlon

Players have 50 seconds to hit the five targets or forfeit the remaining time when the time expires.

  • After 2 falls the riding will be terminated and the rider will have a further 300 points deducted.

  • The competition is a , meaning each competitor will face all the other competitors once.