¡¡Ven a entrenar con AereoWork Bungee!! After this, you can take your feet wide, and bring your knees all the way up to your bent elbows.
Simple bounces and aerobic movements may follow, and then when you're ready you can learn how to leap and dive to the floor safely.
It propelled bungee fitness into the mainstream, with studios across the country jumping at the opportunity to offer such a unique class.
A typical bungee workout is a full-body experience and might include things like squats, pushups, and lunges, among much more.
The dance sequences in bungee classes help you learn how to activate your stabilizing muscles to shift your weight from one side of the body to the other while working against the resistance of the cord.
Students should be able to stand flat-footed when clipped into the bungee, but the cord should be taught and providing support.