Maxis klse - Stock: [MAXIS]: MAXIS BHD

Klse maxis Maxis in

Maxis in focus this week

Klse maxis Stock Fundamentals

Klse maxis Shareholdings

Klse maxis Market Watch

Klse maxis Shareholdings

Klse maxis Stock Fundamentals

Klse maxis Stock Fundamentals

Klse maxis MAXIS

MAXIS (6012) Overview

Klse maxis MAXIS

Klse maxis Shareholdings


Maxis economonics assignment

Profit will be shared.

  • Launched in 1999, Hotlink offers plans and calls at first followed by their Hotlink plans and services to the people of Malaysia.

  • See Note 6 above for PanOcean's deemed interest in the Shares.


Entry requirement is easy.

  • The Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group said Media Prima's revised offer for NSTP was positive.

  • These Maxis shares shall, subject to the satisfaction of the vesting conditions and the terms and conditions of the Employment Agreement, vest in him on 30 June 2024.